Stone House Creative

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Announcing the First Flower Therapy Class!

I totally get it. Winter is taking forever. And every winter, I reach a breaking point: I just need colour, lightness, and something to take me out of my every day dull.
So, I invite you to join my in my first Flower Therapy Class! 

I want to share with you where this idea came from. Last winter, January and February were particularly stressful for me. There was something going on with my business that was out of my control (in fact, it was in the fairly pathetic control of Canada Post) and while it seemed like it should be a small thing, it was wreaking havoc on my business, and more importantly, my mental health. A very expensive parcel was lost in the mail, and the person to whom I was returning it was threatening to sue me for it. She is a small business owner as well, so I completely understood where her panic was coming from - she really needed that package. But aside from calling Canada Post every single day, sometimes several times a day, there was literally nothing I could do. 

I needed a mental health day. In a month that was nothing but dreary outside and the constant stress of this person's threats on my mind, I needed to escape my life for a little while. And for me, that came in the shape of a day playing with flowers. I paid a visit to my wholesaler, where I picked up whatever I wanted. I chose a light, fresh, springy colour palette and flowers that I simply gravitated towards. My time that day was passed with slow movements, acknowledging the entrancing details of each stem, gently placing them into arrangements that I made for no one but myself.

I know that I'm not the only one out there for whom winter is intolerable. I know that I'm not the only one who needs a mental health day now and again. And I know I'm not the only one who craves colour in the midst of these dreary months. So I'm hosting this Flower Therapy Class and welcome anyone who fits into those categories above, or any other category that you fit into. Come and join me, play with flowers, and leave with a lovely arrangement that will inspire you and fill your home with cheer.

Registration is open now - I hope you'll join us! Seating is limited as our space is pretty small so if you're interested, make sure to head over to the registration page HERE as soon as you can!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at!