Warm Fall Wedding at Hawthorn Estates

Historically, I don’t have the easiest time transitioning to fall. In my school years, I loved it — finally getting to see my friends again, and bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils are good things. But when I started working in weddings, I realized how quickly my summers were disappearing and so fall was a beacon of sadness for me.

ENTER KELSIE AND NICK’S WEDDING. Their late summer/early fall colour palette really spoke to my colour loving heart and felt so warm and juicy at the same time.

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Whimsical Summer Camp Wedding at the Lake

I love a good wedding at the lake, and when Caitlyn first reached out to me, I was so excited to hear some of her preliminary ideas and the general idea of having the wedding at a camp!

Mid-way through the planning, the venue actually changed and they ended up at King’s Cabins, which I think is kind of a fishing camp and it was SO COOL. The ambiance was amazing and I can’t wait to show you how everything came together!

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Toffee and Cream at the Rustic Wedding Barn

Kaleigh and Marc’s wedding was a really special one. They were originally scheduled for May 2020, and we all know what happened there. When they decided to postpone to October 2020, I’ll be honest that I wasn’t optimistic that we would be able to go ahead. When October rolled around, the restrictions on gatherings were tightening and it was getting a little nerve-wracking, but their date was one of the last weekends we were allowed to gather in groups — they made it!

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Joyful Fall Wedding with Toffee Roses

Sam and Dillon’s fall wedding was such a beautiful one to be part of! A gorgeous colour palette, a joyful couple, and everyone’s favourite rose, toffee!

I was so looking forward to these florals and for once, I didn’t have long to wait. We all know Covid threw a wrench in many wedding plans, and Sam and Dillon’s was no different. They were originally set to be married in Palm Springs, but decided to re-plan for a home wedding instead, knowing travel would be challenging. So, they reached out just a few months beforehand, when I’d normally be fully booked but I had the date open due to another wedding’s rescheduling situation. Lucky for me!

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