Make a Statement
Your wedding bouquet should make a statement - this doesn't mean that you have to have a crazy bouquet making a crazy statement, but I think that a bride's wedding bouquet should be her absolute favourite accessory. It should emphasize your style - be it classic, elegant, modern, bohemian or whatever, one of the best ways that I love to make a statement with a bouquet is with gorgeous ribbon that perfectly completes your look.
I personally have a love affair with ribbon. I have considered asking my husband for a ribbon budget instead of birthday presents (can I have both please, Chad?). Silk ribbon, grosgrain ribbon, striped ribbon, lace-edged ribbon…I love it all. Some people like it simple and tidy, some people like long, trailing streamers. Whatever your style, the way you wrap that bouquet completes your look.
I may or may not have gone a little overboard on this one. But the combination of velvets, silk, and the ribbed satin was too much for me to resist.
This scalloped ribbon is simple with a feminine style. It would look just as great as a tassel!
I absolutely loved using metallic glitter streams here along with the blush satin. It added such a sweet, feminine feel!
This natural muslin is a great texture to add in - and I've got it in a lot of colours!
Photos by Brittany Mahood Photography
Styling by Ashley Nicole Design
Florals by Stone House Creative